EuroJobs Labs

The Master's Degree in European Citizenship, Institutions, and Policies organizes a series of workshops on the new professions generated by European citizenship and the opportunities provided by the European Union in both public institutions and the private sector.


Tuesday, March 26th, at 5:00 PM: Professions in Counsiling Firms, Auditorium, Department of Legal Sciences (former Renati), via Tomadini 3.

Chair: Gabriele De Anna, Professor of Political Identity and European Citizenship.


Prof. Federica Giovanella, Professor of Comparative Law in Europe in the Master's Degree in Citizenship, Institutions, and European Policies.

Ms. Alessia Sialino, Lawyer and President of the European Union of Lawyers, Friuli Venezia Giulia delegation.

Tuesday, April 9th, at 5:00 PM: Professions in industry and commerce, Florio Room, Florio Palace.


Chair: Gabriele De Anna, Professor of Political Identity and European Citizenship.


Prof. Daniele Casciano, Professor of Logistics, Transport, and International Trade Law in the Master's Degree in Citizenship, Institutions, and European Policies.

Dr. Roberto Corciulo, President of the Aquileia Foundation, President and CEO of IC&Partners.

Tuesday, April 23rd, at 6:00 PM: Professions in European project management, Room 6, Antonini Palace.

Moderator: Gabriele De Anna, Professor of Political Identity and European Citizenship.


Prof. Paolo Fedele, Professor of Project Cycle Management in the EU setting in the Master's Degree in Citizenship, Institutions, and European Policies.

Mr. Graziano Lorenzon, Head of INFORMEST.

Tuesday, May 7th, at 5:00 PM: Professions in public administration, Room T5, Toppo Wassermann Palace.

Moderator: Prof. Valeria Filì, Professor of International and European Labor Law and Equal Opportunity Rights in the Master's Degree in Citizenship, Institutions, and European Policies.


Ms. Michela Turoldo, Ph.D. candidate in Labor Law at the University of Udine.

Ms. Alessia Vetere, Eures Consultant, Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.

Ms. Anna D’Angelo, Central Deputy Director for Labor, Education, Training, and Family and

Director of the Service for Workers and Enterprises, Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.

Orgnization: Gabriele De Anna gabriele.deanna(at)