The Future of Europe and the Development of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region

The Master's degree in Citizenship, European institutions and policies organizes a series of public events on The Future of the European Union and the Development of Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Europe is changing. Global economic and political dynamics have an effect on the European area and the profile of European states changes from an economic, political and social points of view. Furthermore, the ongoing wars within Europe and on its borders are reshaping trade routes with a huge impact on the European production structure. The European Union is rethinking itself to manage these changes: the treaties have recently been revised and further revisions are proposed by several member states; enlargement procedures are underway; many European policies aim to provide Member States with the means and tools to deal with the crisis. The decisions taken by the EU and those that will be taken open up different possible scenarios before us. How could the different possible scenarios affect Italy? And on Friuli Venezia Giulia in particular, both as an Italian region and as part of a European cross-border area? How can we influence the decisions yet to be made? How can we exploit the opportunities offered by the EU for the development of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region?

To answer these questions, leading figures from European and local politics, institutions and administration present their experiences in a dialogue with the Faculty of the Master's Degree in European Citizenship, Institutions and Policies.

Spring 2024

Fall 2024

Spring 2025