The Future of Europe and the Development of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region

Spring 2024

16th February 2024: A Dialogue with Politics

A dialogue with three MEPs of different political orientations on the future of political representation in the EU. How to make local voices heard in Brussels? How do the central European institutions position themselves with respect to the needs of individual states and individual regions? How can we express a single European voice to survive on the global stage? Introduction by Professor Elena D'Orlando, director of the Department of Legal Sciences. Speakers: Isabella De Monte (Italian MP, former MEP), Martina Dlabajova (MEP), Elena Lizzi (MEP). Some Faculty members of the Master's Degree in Citizenship, Institutions and European Policies dialogue with the MEPs: Prof. Elisabetta Bergamini, Prof. Claudio Cressati, Prof. Maurizio Maresca. Chairman: Prof. Gabriele De Anna.


8th April 2024: The Future of Agricolture between Tradition and Innovation

The effects of global transformations on the trade of agricultural and food products are enormous and have strong effects at a global level. What scenarios open up for Friuli Venezia Giulia? And what are the opportunities and risks inherent in European agricultural policies? The issue is addressed in a public lecture by Franz Fischler, who was Austrian Minister of Agriculture and European Commissioner, father of European agricultural reform. The themes of the lesson are then discussed in a panel discussion with University professors (Mariarita D'Addezio, Antonio Massarutto and Michele Morgante), representatives of the institutions (Corrado Pirzio Biroli and Serena Tarangioli), representatives of the trade associations and the productive world (Claudio Filipuzzi, Giovanni Giavedoni, Phillip Thurn Valsassina) and the regional councilor for agriculture Stefano Zannier. The journalist Rossano Cattivillo chairs.


22 aprile 2024: Welfare, Health, Sustainability

What direct and indirect impact do the European Union's welfare policies have on the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, with particular reference to the healthcare sector and the organization and management of services to protect individual and collective health? In light of technological progress, the aging of the Italian population, the low birth rate combined with the increase in life expectancy and other irrepressible socio-economic phenomena, is the Italian and European public health model, which dates back to the middle of the last century, still sustainable? How can the health rights of all Italian and European citizens and of people who live in a certain territory be safeguarded? Talking about it are Silvio Brusaferro, full professor of general and applied hygiene at the University of Udine and former President of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Sandra Gallina, general director for Health and Food Safety at the European Commission, and Gianna Zamaro, central director Health, social policies and disabilities of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region. Moderated by Valeria Filì, full professor of labor law and social security at the University of Udine. Introduced by Claudio Cressati, deputy director of the Department of Legal Sciences, and Gabriele De Anna, coordinator of the Master's degree course in European Citizenship, Institutions and Policies.


9th May 2024: Sharing Knowledge to Innovate Society

What opportunities does the European Union offer to finance the development of knowledge and its application for social innovation, also in Friuli Venezia Giulia? How does the European Commission decide its policies and how does it analyze the social needs that emerge from the European Regions? And how can local realities bring out their critical issues so that they are considered in the Commission's policies? These issues are discussed in a conference etitled "Sharing knowledge to innovate society" at the University Udine campus at Gorizia (via Santa Chiara 1, Aula Magna). 

Francesco Pitassio (delegate of the Rector for the Gorizia Campus), Claudio Cressati (deputy director of the department of Legal Sciences and president of the Europeanist Academy of Friuli Venezia Giulia), and Gabriele De Anna (coordinator of the master's degree course in European Citizenship, Institutions and Policies) will introduce the event. Talks will be by Ezio Andreta, former director of the European Commission and president of the Agency for the Promotion of European Research (APRE), Daniele Del Bianco, director of the Institute of International Sociology of Gorizia, Patrizia Quattrocchi, professor at the University of Udine and coordinator of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Staff Exchange Obstetric Violence project, Alberto Soraci, of the Area Science Park of Trieste, expert of the European integrated ecosystem project for the green transition North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley and Enzo Tomellini, former European Commission official and head of the technical secretariat of the Minister of Ecological Transition. The event will be chaired by Alex Pessotto, journalist and director of the Europeanist Academy of Friuli Venezia Giulia.
